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On TLogo of Texas Talking Book Voices Podcast with red and blue lettering a box with sound wave lines and an image of a stand alone microphone.exas Talking Book Voices, the podcast of the Talking Book Program at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, we go behind the scenes to explore different facets of the service and meet the people who help make reading accessible to Texans with visual, physical, or reading disabilities. Whether you’re a TBP patron, a librarian, or a library fan, we have something here for you!

Episode 9: 2024 Texas Great Read Titles

Join TBP Reader’s Advisory Librarian Laura Jean Norris chats with new Texas Center for the Book Coordinator Michele Chan Santos about the recently-announced 2024 Texas Great Read selections and upcoming programming from the Center.

Listen to all episodes of Talking Book Voices at or on our YouTube channel.

Page last modified: June 6, 2024

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