Calling all book worms! We’re excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with Rest Less Events to become their official Book Club partner.
Rest Less Events Book Club

From fantastic author talks to engaging reads, book recommendations and more, this club is perfect for book lovers everywhere.

The best thing? You can enjoy all the club has to offer from the comfort of your home, and all for free!

Book Club Testimonials from existing members

Lesley:  “Rest Less Book Club is the first book club to which I’ve belonged. Since joining, in April 2021, I have thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with other members and the varied discussions on each of our chosen books. It is also extremely exciting to be able to actually ‘meet’ the author & to be part of a very well run Q&A session or to have an expert imparting their knowledge on the author & their books.  Being part of the book club has definitely broadened my reading in a way that I almost didn’t think possible! My involvement with the book club has definitely had a very positive impact on my wellbeing as I feel I have grown as a person by reading the different genres and techniques of writing that I, otherwise, would probably not have read!  If you have an interest in reading but, maybe, need a little motivation, I would certainly recommend joining a book club as I think it’s a brilliant way to enjoy books and the plethora of  literature out there as well as meeting some fantastic people with whom to discuss books!”

Elaine: “I particularly enjoy the Rest Less book group because I have met people from all over the world and exchanged ideas about more than books. The same people attend the book group on a regular basis so we are able to build friendships creating a real community.

I used to run book groups for Midlothian Libraries. They did not continue during the pandemic so it was great to have The Rest Less book group. The added bonus is being part of a larger community with more diverse reading habits and great suggestions for books. Abbie from Rest Less makes great book choices giving us all a chance to try new authors with the added bonus of author talks. We then get an insight into what influences and experiences formed the creative processes that went into the books.